Business and share valuation

Determining true enterprise value

What is my company or my business share worth? How much is the goodwill?

The following questions may arise in connection with business succession, the purchase or sale of a business or part of a business, disputes under company, inheritance or family law, and much more:

  • What is the company or share value of a company in the context of determining equalisation claims?
  • What is the amount of the outgoing shareholder's settlement credit?
  • What is the value of the company in the context of inheritance distribution?
  • How should the company be valued if it is to be transferred to children?

We focus primarily on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Our valuation method takes into account individual requirements, such as the reason for the valuation, the individual characteristics of the owner, the location or sector-specific features.

We value whole businesses as well as shares in businesses, craft businesses, accountancy practices and much more. To ensure the best possible results, we use different valuation methods depending on the reason for the valuation and the subject of the valuation. Valuations are usually carried out using the capitalised earnings value method, but other valuation methods such as the discounted cash flow (DCF) method, the net asset value method, multiplier methods or mixed methods such as the modified capitalised earnings value method are also used.

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